EiJ Global Record Panel 4S Mexico 2022
Environmental injustice involves cumulative and compounding, unevenly distributed vulnerabilities, hazards, and exposures – produced locally, regionally, nationally and transnationally – with open-
Environmental injustice involves cumulative and compounding, unevenly distributed vulnerabilities, hazards, and exposures – produced locally, regionally, nationally and transnationally – with open-
This convention has well received by the states’ government that signed, with supplementary information written in six major languages used internationally. This information might not have delivered well enough to the general publics since the lack of social media promotion.
The program is available with Handicap-International with partners by USAID. Standardize professional skills in rehabilitations field is also available via distance learning such as discussion forums and e-learning courses.
The Origami Bridge (Mobile Bridge Version 4.0) is designed to use in the area that have been destroyed and yet need a temporary bridge in order to connect the transportation to other areas. So the design is intended to use in area that has earthquakes, floods or landslides.
With the spread of relevant information, OSHA has used mass media production to inform the publics. They also provide “OSHA's Hazard Identification Training Tool” via gaming mode to educate the publics (exe application and web flash). [https://www.osha.gov/hazfinder/index.html]
This film is a good source for the general publics to gain awareness with lack of medical centers within the third world countries, so some audience might gain interest to assist the locals by contact the relevant medical organizations.
As mentioned above, Cloud9 has partnership with Capital Factory, IBM, Telemental Health Institute and Health Wildcatters. But for a system to work, it is more important that patients, providers and organizations have come and work together.
There are two volumes to this report:
a. The UN scientific committee reported the effect of the atomic radiation based on the event of Fukushima nuclear accidents.
b. Scientific findings on the effects of radiation exposure to the children.
“Ushahidi provides open source crowdsourcing software for responding to crisis, helping human rights, and increasing transparency.”
For the event of post-election violence in Kenya 2008, map reports are created to flow the voices.
With the mobile apps (iOS/Android) of the system, data collection can gather other’s voice from multiple sources such as SMS, emails, Twitter and RSS. These data can also be managed and formed into visual charts and maps. Other functions such as alerts and customer services are also provided.