Test project Heidi
In the spirit of life long learning
Testproject DM
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Test project Pesticides and Protection Tanzania
testing out building a project
Mutual Aid/Best Practices vs Local Practices
_jzhaoThis image reminds me of how mutual aid and communities keep each other fed, and safe, and how local practices are actually best practices. My own research, although not immediatley related to the specific public health concern of COVID, will focus on Indigenous food soverignty, particularly the right and autonomy to ferment and distribute alcohol (紅糯米酒) within the Amis community, and their current fight with the local health department on declaring whether or not their alcohol is "safe" for public consumption and distribution.
njia.smithThis gives the companies a bad rap and the communities near the chemical harm.
njia.smithThe news and social media gave information about the up coming strom, Hurricane Sandy. They wanted to make sure that people who were clos to danger had to move away and find a safe house or shelter.
njia.smithPutting houses up high and making pits deep enough to slow thw water down not damage the house. Houses on higher ground or built higher can lessen the damage costs and repairs to less money.
njia.smithNJ Transit as kind enough to stay open for people to be transported safely from danger.
the rice irrigation scheme, Pare Valley, Tanzania