Relevant social GROUPS of THE ALGAl REEF referendum (ARF referendum)
There are many different groups that are related to the algae reef.
Who is the expert?
Mr. Pan went on the TV show debating for his goal
This is a picture that indicates KMT's point of view about the AR referendum.
Environmental group- The society of wilderness' point of view
it is a beautiful algal scene in Datan.
KMT's point of view for the referendum
the image shows that KMT is agree with the referendum of algae reef
The final result and the reflection
it is the final result of 2022 Taiwan's algae reef referendum.
The connection between the result of the referendum and the local political tendency
this image tells us the subtle relationship between the result and the local political tendency
INTERVIEW: Algae reef vote could save endangered species
Come August, a campaign to protect algal reefs off the coast of Taoyuan is poised to become the nation’s first ecological issue to be put to a vote.
The intro of Taiwan's Algal reef referendum photo essay