This essay supports an upcoming discussion of how COVID-19 is unfolding in Ecuador and a broader discussion within the Transnational STS COVID-19 project.
Shuar Testimony
This audio was sent by Manuel Maiche, community leader of Kuamar, part of the Shuar territory in Ecuador.
Ecuador Place Essay Image
Image created with the use of a free image by Crystal Mirallegro (Unsplash website) for Ecuador's covid19 place essay
Kaleidos - Center for Interdisciplinary Ethnography
A research Center at the University of Cuenca with the collaboration of FLACSO-Ecuador
Zackery.WhiteKatrina, being that astronomical disaster that it was, has a response factor on a whole new level. The article touches on the response both immediately after and in a longer term context. It touches upon the aid provided by relief agencies throughout and the difficulties faced by those organizations due to scarcity and over demand of recourses.
Zackery.White“The legacy of Chernobyl has been used as a means of signaling Ukraine's domestic and international legitimacy and staking territorial claims; and as a venue of governance and state building, social welfare, and corruption.”
"Citizens, have come to depend on obtainable technologies and legal procedures to gain political regongition and admission to some form of welfare inclusion."
"She told me that Ukrainians were inflating their numbers of exposed persons, that their so-called invalids "didn't want cover." She saw the illnesses of this group as a "struggle for power and mater sources related to the disaster."
Transitional Bunun slate stone house, it is indoor construction and discrip Bunun house setting and culture.