rramosThis report is about an initiative taken by the government to rectify a century's worth of pollution dumped into the Passaic River and the means used to do it.
This report is about an initiative taken by the government to rectify a century's worth of pollution dumped into the Passaic River and the means used to do it.
The event of a disaster as well as the confusion and stress of the aftermath and long term recovery and socioeconomic factors lead to a specific mental health disorder referred to as Chronic Disaster Syndrom.
The film shows there are lots of patient every-day and not enough resources during the war. MSF are working many hours a day, and keep working many days without have a good rest. They are working under big pressure. At the beginning, they are sad and lost when they faced to the death, and after that they get used to it. For example, there many people injured because of the shooting, and MSF have to decide how to do the operation and work effectively with using simple instrument.
Substance abuse post-disaster
Comorbidity of mental disorders
Post-disaster social support systems
FEMA is Federal Emergency Management Agency, which is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security. This organization aim to prepare for, response to, recover from disaster.
This article has been cited in such places as:
"Depression in Japan: Psychiatric cures for a society in distress" - Book
"Societal and ethical issues in human biomonitoring–a view from science studies"
"Informality and survival in Ukraine's nuclear landscape: living with the risks of Chernobyl"
Sonja uses sociocultural studies of risk, organiaation theory, and disaster sociology. of which she cites 8 papers.
One of the ones I could find:…
About Bhopal and what we can learn from disaster reponse.
This book, “Medicine, Rationality and Experience” is an incredibly influential and widely-discussed and cited book.
There is no evidence that corpses cause or spread disease following a natural disaster. There would have to be more direct circumstances for potential damage from corpses.
The risk associated with epidemics is correlated to the population displaced and affected by infrastructure.
The most commun post-natural disaster diseases are related to water contamination and crowding. While corpses could potential contaminate water, because the population is displaced the corpses likely won't contaminate the new water source, but the overcrowded displaced population will. Some of such disease include Hepatitis A and E, Leptospirosis, and measles. Meninginitis and Acute Respiratory Infections can also develop if vaccinations are not prevelant there.
Conflict in the DRC
MSF's response to sex crimes
Hamanitarian organisations more slated towards sexual crimes