Today it was time for me to hold a workshop with everyone.
Today it was time for me to hold a workshop with everyone.
Today's visit started with all of us students going down to the canal that runs parallel to Naluwan to collect shells.
I arrived earlier than the other students and had some time to interact with Ivan and his family before the others arrived.
Also this week we spent time with the elderly in the community. Me and Charles had a conversation with a man in a wheelchair that Charles also talked to last time.
"The key functions of pre-disaster preparation efforts are to prevent or minimize exposure to potentially traumatic disaster-related events and reduce likelihood of additional post-disaster stressors, which are both associated with post-disaster mental disorders."
Users are given data regarding radiological and nuclear emergency response. They are given data that can be further supplemented with data, images, and background material from REMM online.
Art at Naluwan created by the former chief of the tribe.
(The gouverment refused to accept this as art.)