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This chapter was produce by following the issue of illness of undocumented citizens over the course of several decades, and examining the relationship between how they are treated and social and economic changes. It is linked into changes in policy, memorandums and individual opinions.



                This study was published by the CDC under “Emerging Infectious Diseases”. Emerging Infectious Diseases, focuses on both identifying these emerging threats and disseminating information to its readers. The CDC earns a high respect from healthcare professionals. 



The main narrative of the film “In the Shadow of Ebola” is to show the impact from the top to bottom of the disease and the response to that disease. This includes international decisions affecting the nation of Liberia, the national government’s actions affecting the local communities and families there. Disease awareness and infrastructure are the main focus.



                This article focuses on the importance of good command systems like NIMS, the vital role of communication within and inter agency, and the necessity for good planning and fixing issues that are found beforehand. The issues described in support of the main point of the article, show how the failure of command, communication, and planning resulting in hundreds of civilians and first responders needlessly dying. Because of other's poor performace and preparation, others had to pay the ultimate price.