Test project Pesticides and Protection Tanzania
testing out building a project
Alexi MartinThe main findings of this article include the discrepancy of actual health issues and its surfacing in the government. The article explores post-Soviet Union Ukraine and discovers the backbone of its economy consists of disability healthcare for those affected by radiation. The struggle to survive without an illness on a bare economy where government funds help those who may be damamged by radiation and ignore the rest of the population.
Sara_NesheiwatThere were numerous people invested in this situation and effected by the repercussions of it. The main focus is on the citizens of Liberia. The film shows their account of what happened, in terms of the severe amount of deaths and deplorable conditions in which they lived in. There was a complete lack of health care and public health or awareness, as well as resources such as food and supplies. Citizens were at first not taking the situation as seriously as it should have been, not heeding the warnings from doctors, convinced the government was exaggerating. Yet, once the turmoil and panic of officials was displayed, citizens soon began to worry. There were issues and decisions made involving protecting themselves from the disease as well as their families. Those infected also faced many issues. There was a complete lack of resources for those separated from the population due to infection. There were scarce amounts of food, water, supplies and medical attention. Fear, death and disease spread fast throughout the population. Decisions about not only quarantine and families had to be made, but also decision of whether leaving the country was a good choice, as seen by the main family in the documentary. Other stakeholders include health care officials as well as government employees. There were many decisions made by them in terms of allocating resources, as well as informing citizens about the situation.
Sara_NesheiwatThere are numerous methods utilized to support the claims in this paper. Research workshops were analyzed and discussed and the conclusions and discussions of experts were examine and presented. There was also an ample amount of expert interviews that were discussed and analyzed. The authors' expert opinions as well as analysis of current data can be seen throughout the paper, but also an analysis of the lack of health specific data.
Alexi MartinThe main findings in the article is that illness cannot always be black or white sometimes there is shades of gray. This is described through the way the author chose to study and publish seizure disorders in Turkey. He recorded the history of events via a narrative. This was the stories are moer beautiful and detailed. While there may be bias, the 'narratives' describe their lives, a story that can be described across a language barrier.
Sara_NesheiwatAfter looking up the bibliography, many of the citations found were government agencies or studies performed on bioterrorism, biological weapons and disease security, all from reputable sources and agencies. This shows that a lot of work and investigation went into this paper and it is valid and accurate research.
Alexi Martin" But with every explosion that shook the Japanese plant it became clear: there was nobody- not in Japan, nor Russia, nor the United States- who had the relevant know-how, equipment, and strategy to handle a nuclear disaster."
"To move forward with maximum efficiency, an international nuclear response group needs to operationalize realtive experiece from international disaster relief organizations."
"If an international nuclear response group is a worthwhile goal (and it certainly appears to be) we need to define realistic tasks."
the rice irrigation scheme, Pare Valley, Tanzania