Visualizing Geita
Followed up on: sprinkler systems, current investigations/ findings from 9/11 investigation into building failures, and policies regarding fire codes for buildings
The Red Cross has chapters scattered across the United States and also provide care to international disasters.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) drafted the policy.
The article explores the sociopolitical issues those affected by the Chernobyl incident now face. The article describes a society that has developed in the affected Chernobyl community which people are fully dependant on health care systems and the politics governing them take the prescident over many other issues.
This system offers data on long term and short term health disorders of those exposed to 9/11.
The main findings are about gender based violence in armed conflicts and the political implications of addressing gender based violence (separating and giving special treatment versus treating everyone as neutral) in humanitarian aid efforts.
Sexual violence has a place in humanitarianism; when it comes to getting treatment in humanitarian aid efforts gender-based violence is recognized as a "crime against humanity" that needs to be addressed as they are common in armed conflicts.
Gender-based violence is approached as both a medical and health issue; the immediate wounds as the result of gender based violence (usually sexual violence) is focused on for treatment in emergencies but the deeper issue of the "rape epidemic" resulting from the system/ culture is not "treated".
The author of the article conducted research my interviewing inmates and looking into legal cases and government actions.
Artisanal or Snall Scale Mining in Geita.