AK COVID-Development Studies Intersections
Aalok KhandekarI am currently in the process of transitioning my M.A. level course on Science, Technology, and Development with 11 students to virtual instruction. One of my interests in engaging with COVID-19 is to examine how it (should) informs development ideologies and practices. How should students of development studies retool -- conceptually, methodologically, practically -- in wake of the pandemic?
Anonymous (not verified)pece_annotation_1477869115
Alexi MartinEmergency response is dicussed in this article through discussion of those who responded to the disaster were the ones who had the most health issues. This reponse created the new economy to support the country in lieu of a percentage of its population becoming unable to work.
Alexi MartinThe audience the film best addresses is the public who knew about the nuclear event, but were not informed to the extent of what had happened or its ramifications on the future.
Alexi MartinEmergency response is not discussed in this article, however if these people had imediate attention after the intial event they had experienced they may not still be suffereing from seizure disorders.
Alexi MartinThe methods and data used to produce the claims in the argument was presenting a problem that is often seen in rural areas-AIDS in Rwanda and showing data that showered a decrease in the problem to show that social conditions affect the likelyhood of being infection with a diease.
Alexi MartinThis article has be referenced/discussed through those looking at gender in the role of humaity by groups who are human rights activists, those who treat people in third world areas. As well as an international outreach website that supports treatment of those who have been abused.
Alexi MartinThe methods, tools and data used to produce the arguments made in the article are using historical epidemics such as AIDS, TB and smallpox (the benefits and risk analysis to provide vaccines. Through discussing and analyzing these historical events, health officials can discover how to properly assess future data in preventing disease
Alexi Martin"For example, workshop participants suggested that in some causes armed groups may feel they needed to kidnap a doctor in order to recieve care; or perhaps soliders at a chekcpoint are concerned that an ambulance may contain explosives and obstruct deliever of health services in order to prevent bombing"
"Although violence directly affecting health service delievery in complex security enviornments has recieved a great deal of media attention, theres very little publically avaliable research, particularly peer reviewed, original research"
"Because rporting often focuses on the most serious attacks, such as kidnapping and fatalities, workshop participants stressed that incidents precieved to be less severe such as threats and obstructions are less likely to be underreported"