This essay supports an upcoming discussion of how COVID-19 is unfolding in Ecuador and a broader discussion within the Transnational STS COVID-19 project.
Ecuador Place Essay Image
Image created with the use of a free image by Crystal Mirallegro (Unsplash website) for Ecuador's covid19 place essay
Kaleidos - Center for Interdisciplinary Ethnography
A research Center at the University of Cuenca with the collaboration of FLACSO-Ecuador
a.elhamamiThe author of the article read over the New Jersey's Drinking Water Watch database and read a letter that was sent by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to the Newark Water Department.
a.elhamamiThis PDF is important because it talks about the financial stability and the lead exposure of Newark families. It can help with a lot of different arguments because most problems today effect the lower income families such as lead exposure.
a.elhamamiThe article goes into how the Kresge Foundation's Climate Resilience and Urban Oppurtunity Initiative came togethre to try and make Newark more resilient in terms of the community.
a.elhamami"There is a large volume of evidence that shows how living in poverty can be detrimental for children, both during their childhood and beyond."
"Poverty can affect every aspect of a child’s development, limiting their social, educational and personal development."
This audio was sent by Manuel Maiche, community leader of Kuamar, part of the Shuar territory in Ecuador.