tamar.rogoszinskiThis article focuses more on public health concerns, rather than EMS response. She analyzes sociopolitical factors that affected the response post-Chernobyl and the impacts that had on people's lives and the healthcare they received as a result.
ciera.williamsThis is a program targeted to students with bachelors, masters, or professional degrees who desire to protect people from the various consequences of nuclear disasters.
tamar.rogoszinskiWhile this study does not address vulnerable populations, per say, it does study cancer in patients under the age of 20, which can be considered a vulnerable population as they were young when the disaster occurred.
tamar.rogoszinskiThis is a chaper from the book, "Medicine, Rationality, and Experience: an anthropological perspective", which appears to have been referenced by other anthropologists.
ciera.williamsThe author used a combination of field-based research and article examination to produce their arguments and conclusions.
tamar.rogoszinskiPaul Farmer has used this paper in later works and has been published in various journals and books.