Editing with Contributor
Editing with Contributor
Andrew Rosenthal created this pie chart as part of the Energy in COVID-19 working group’s October Research Brief.
Critical Commentary
Editing with Researcher user
The system relies on its developers, as mentioned, for support and information. They are also responsible with creating updated versions in order to provide better functionality, but also keep the information up-to-date and accurate.
It is necessary, in order to properly address growing global disasters and health-threats such as epidemics, to have a global approach to health instead of a national focus.
Sonja D. Schmid uses data pertaining international response to the disaster that occurred in Fukushima. She uses references and information gathered that has to do with the reactions of various leaders. She uses past situations and opinions in order to formulate her conclusion and claim that there is a need for an international nuclear emergency response plan. She pulls from examples that show that many organizations that tried in the past to create a plan failed due to the lack of international authority.
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