Alexi MartinThe audience the film best addresses is the public who knew about the nuclear event, but were not informed to the extent of what had happened or its ramifications on the future.
The audience the film best addresses is the public who knew about the nuclear event, but were not informed to the extent of what had happened or its ramifications on the future.
Emergency response is not discussed in this article, however if these people had imediate attention after the intial event they had experienced they may not still be suffereing from seizure disorders.
" The dangers under which health workers try to function appear to be heightening, as frightening locals continue to blame the doctors for prepetuating the violence"
"We don't accept their prescence at all. They ae the transporters of the virus in these communities"
The argument is made and sustained by filming various types of patients in the hospital: a diabetic women who was given a sandwich after waiting for hours, a man who did not want to recieve dialysis because of the ordeal of waiting he had to endure each time he was at the hospital, a boy who got shot and died inside the trauma room, a man who had bone spurs on his spine, to name a few. The narrative is also sustained through the view of the patients, the doctors, the nurses and the financial staff all views of the healthcare system are shown and maintained. The film does have emotional appeal because it follows patients from when they first enter the ER to when they leave: for example a little girl who had a severe case of strep throat and could not talk, to her getting treatment, a doctor's appointment and then being discharged. The film portrays each patient in a way that allows the viewer to want to see more of their story.
The report's bibliography indicates thorough research. The sources listed are credible and valid indicating validity and accuracy to the conclusions drawn in the article.
The article’s bibliography explains the extensive research that was put into the article. The resources used were not only online references, so they took time to gather.
" the incorportation of health status in the provisions of the law, initially as a block to deportation and subsequently as grounds for granting residence, marked as a watershed."
"The logic of state soverignty in the control of migration clearly prevailed over the universality of the principle of the right to life."
"His body is finally the only social resource capable of causing a comparison that has been translated into law and would prehaps allow him to be granted permission to remain."
The actors that were behind the report was the government. It was a governent ordered report by the second session of the 109th congress,.
While I cannot find a direct link between Cloud 9 and other software platforms, other online services and apps have similar features that offer counseling, but none that are readily available that link providers and patients directly.
The program is located worldwide in many countries such as Eastern Europe, Italy and the US, to name a few. The resources are also located online and can be purchased and taught to individuals depending on the needd- for example general citizens or first responders (trained persons or the general population).