“Coming from a background of natural sciences, I was not acquainted with anthropologic research methods before the seminar. Therefore, I learned a lot by studying existing literature, but especially by doing research myself. Working in a group made the new way of working quite accessible and enjoyable to me.
From this „outsider’s“ perspective it was the experience of getting in contact with the actual people locally involved that was most interesting to me. I found it remarkably hard to make sense of the very different impressions, (subjective) knowledge and beliefs of citizens and stakeholders, to understand them, give them structure, relate them to other sources and draw conclusions from it. This might partly be due to the unstructured nature of our interviews and requests, but also to the widely differing statements of our correspondents as well as the often sparse availability of hard facts on the topic. I am, however, confident that we were able to draw a realistic picture of our case and I am glad to have made this experience in the field of qualitative research.”
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