Webinar Recording Radiation Regulation, Past and Future
Recording of the webinar session on Radiation Regulation with Kiyoshi Kurokawa Allison Macfarlane and
Panel Discussion: Radiation Archives, Past and Future
Recording of 5pm Monday 8 March 2021 PST = 10:00 Tuesday 9 March 2021 JST
Panel Discussion of Radiation Archives, Past and Future
Kim Fortun, From Bhopal To Fukushima And Next Generation Disaster Governance
Presentation at the UCLA's Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies, 1 March 2021 kicking off the Envisioning Next Generation Radiation Governance symposium.
Chemical Valley part 1
Chemical Valley, produced by Appalshop. 1991
Edward Munoz interview
Edward Munoz, interviewed by Josh Karliner, for The Environment-Business Bureau (a project of the Tides Foundation), in association with the Bhopal Action Resource Center of the Council on Internation
Trade Secrets part 1
Trade Secrets: A Moyers Report. 2004.
Webinar recording (3/23/2021) Radiation Education, Past and Future
with panelists: Sulfikar Amir, Rethy Chhem, Brien Hallett, Johnnye Lewis, Sonja D. Schmid, Chris Shuey, Noboru Takamura