Event | Envisioning Next Generation Radiation Governance: Remembering Fukushima, 2021
Envisioning Next Generation Radiation Governance: Archiving, Regulation, Education, Places
Envisioning Next Generation Radiation Governance: Archiving, Regulation, Education, Places
This timeline serves as a record of the monthly Media Briefs of the Energy in COVID-19 research group.
Monday March 29 6pm PST (Tuesday March 30 10am JST)
Teaching and Governing Radiated Places
This essay focuses on radiation pedagogy and educational programs.
Webinar recording (3/23/2021) Radiation Education, Past and Future
with panelists: Sulfikar Amir, Rethy Chhem, Brien Hallett, Johnnye Lewis, Sonja D. Schmid, Chris Shuey, Noboru Takamura
Monday March 15, 6 pm PST (Tuesday March 16, 10am JST)
Radiation Regulation, Past and Future
放射能規制 過去と未来
Recording of the webinar session on Radiation Regulation with Kiyoshi Kurokawa Allison Macfarlane and
Recording of 5pm Monday 8 March 2021 PST = 10:00 Tuesday 9 March 2021 JST
Panel Discussion of Radiation Archives, Past and Future
"Why we need the Wild" is a visual essay that intents to explain and show the importance of protecting the remaining large, intact, and wild places on earth - for nature and humans.