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Fieldnote Mar 7 2023 - 3:12pm

This fieldnote is about how to get information on what is transported via rail.  I emailed the Dept of Transportation, a federal agency.  My inquiry was forwarded to the Federal Railroad

San Diego 350

SanDiego350 is building a movement to prevent the worst impacts of climate change and climate injustice through education and outreach, public policy advocacy, and mobilizing people to take action.

National Nurses United (NNU)

National Nurses United (NNU) is the largest union and professional association of registered nurses in U.S. history with nearly 225,000 members across multiple states. 

National Nurses United

National Nurses United, with nearly 225,000 members nationwide, is the largest union and professional association of registered nurses in U.S. history.


Jacob Nelson

This article has been referenced in a wide variety of emergency medicine journal articles, ranging from flood protocols, use of cell phones in disaster enviroments, earthquakes and medical complications, to the costs of disaster consequences. Many of the articles referencing this paper appear to go into greater depth for some of the epidemics and diseases that were touched on in the research article. These include hepatitis E, Leptospirosis, cholera, and tetanus.



The report is provided with both English and Japanese for the technical professionals to study.  For the general publics, this report summary (fact sheet) has provided in six major languages  to assist them to gained a broad understanding to the works. 


Annotation of

Since the system itself is open sourced, there are code libraries to enhance the work piece and modelling it.

“The stack”

Back-end: Linux, PHP, Apache/Nginx, MySQL or PostgreSQL

Front-end: AngularJS, Javascript, Html, CSS. Built with NodeJS and Browserify. Using Leaflet for mapping, and a collection of other frontend libraries”