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Fieldnote Mar 7 2023 - 3:12pm

This fieldnote is about how to get information on what is transported via rail.  I emailed the Dept of Transportation, a federal agency.  My inquiry was forwarded to the Federal Railroad

San Diego 350

SanDiego350 is building a movement to prevent the worst impacts of climate change and climate injustice through education and outreach, public policy advocacy, and mobilizing people to take action.

National Nurses United (NNU)

National Nurses United (NNU) is the largest union and professional association of registered nurses in U.S. history with nearly 225,000 members across multiple states. 

National Nurses United

National Nurses United, with nearly 225,000 members nationwide, is the largest union and professional association of registered nurses in U.S. history.



The references list for this article shows a wide variety of resources that were used to write the paper. They vary in topics, some directly looking at nuclear energy, others at the risks society takes, regulations, and organizational structures.


Annotation of

The organization has workers that live in the various communities to increase trust with the native people, and show them that the nurses and midwives are there to help and save lives, not take over. They do home visits since travel is hard in many of the areas, and they do routine check ups to make sure that clean water and living conditions are aiding recovery processes apporopriately.