Southern Louisiana, USA
This collection focuses on Formosa Plastic's operations in Baton Rouge and planned expansion in St. James Parish, Louisiana.
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This collection focuses on Formosa Plastic's operations in Baton Rouge and planned expansion in St. James Parish, Louisiana.
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In the middle of Dacheng Township (Changhua County, Taiwan) sits an empty white building.
Photo of the catalogue South Wind (南風):
Impressions from fieldwork in Taipei, Yunlin County and Changhua County.
Instructions for joining and contributing to the Formosa Plastics Archive.
Photo of a garbage collection truck, sponsored by Formosa Plastics.
Both the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Red Cross helped during this natural disaster. Also, New Jersey had sent out several sotrm warning and procedures on what to do if stuck in a troubling situation during the sotrm. New Jersey also sent out shelter locations to go to if necessary. In Newark, the public safety sent out several tips and methods to prevent any internal damage, such as flooding, in housing and what to store during the super storm.
The main point of this article was to illustrate the severity of the super storm Irene. It shows the stressed and frantic thought process and procedures before the storm. In addition, it shows the aftereffects of the storm and how many different places and people were affected greatly thoughout the East coast. These points are supported by quotes, statistics and overall analysis of the super storm itself.
The two air monitors were erected by the Taiwanese Environmental Protection Agency.