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Toxic Tour Stop 3: The management of toxic groundwater bodies in the Anthropocene

Toxic Tour Stop 3: The management of toxic groundwater bodies in the Anthropocene

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Figure 10: Edge containment well near Buna Werke. © Landesamt für Altlastenfreistellung Sachsen- Anhalt.

The chemical compounds assembled in the former Buna plant near Schkopau left a legacy of toxic waste that traverses air, earth and water. A significant and lasting part of this toxic waste became part of the groundwater body flowing in the rocks beneath the land’s surface on which they were produced. While the contaminated buildings could be demolished and toxic soil could be removed, the groundwater body still contains vast amounts of toxic substances. In its latest report, the Federal Institute for Flood Protection and Water Management Saxony-Anhalt (Landesbetrieb für Hochwasserschutz und Wasserwirtschaft Sachsen-Anhalt) portrays the situation as follows. Chart 2 shows the water quality on-site. It is colour-coded into five categories; see chart 1 (Gewässerkundlicher Landesdienst 2012: 138). Blue: Excellent Quality, the concentration of chemicals is under the threshold considered safe for drinking water (“Geringfügigkeitsschwelle”). Green: Good Quality, the concentration of chemicals is no more than ten times the concentration safe for drinking water. Yellow: Medium Quality, the concentration of chemicals is no more than fifty times the concentration safe for drinking water. Orange: Unsatisfactory Quality, the concentration of chemicals is no more than one hundred times the concentration safe for drinking water. Red: Bad Quality, the concentration of chemicals is more than a hundred times the concentration safe for drinking water.

As shown in chart 1, in the area of measurement, which extends to around 19 km2, about half of the groundwater is highly toxic. However, according to the agency, it’s excellent news that the toxicity has been constant since 2008, as this means the containment efforts were successful.

In addition to this general overview of the contamination, the water management agency provides us with the maximum concentrations measured for the primary pollutants (see chart 3).

The highest concentration could be observed for vinyl chloride (Vinylchlorid), with up to half a million times the safe drinking water concentration. Suppose that pockets of groundwater containing these high toxicity levels would ever flow into other areas. In that case, they could pollute dozens to hundreds of square kilometres with levels unsafe for human consumption.

Such pollution is no unlikely scenario. Groundwater bodies behave less like underground lakes but more like slow-moving rivers, seeking their way of least resistance through different layers of rock, clay and soil. They are replenished by rain, rivers and lakes, feed into other water bodies on the surface, and evaporate in the air. The rocky underground near Schkopau power station mainly consists of sandstone and is a mix of more porous rubble and denser jointed rocks. The water is forced to take specific paths through these thicker parts that aren’t easily predictable. Although the general direction of the groundwater flow goes from the Southeast to the Northwest, flows in other directions from the area have also been observed.

According to the Federal Institute for Geology and Mining Saxony-Anhalt (Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt), at least three groundwater flows (see Figure 12 below, pink arrows) from different parts of the area are happening simultaneously. First, the industrial area’s central role is a gravel trench in the Western region. Second, the industrial area’s prominent role produces a stream towards the Northwest, close to a nearby lake, the Rattmansdorfer Teich. Third, a watershed (orange colour) in the Southern part, where the “Value Park” is located, causes most water from this part to flow into the south and a nearby brook, the Laucha. Finally, the flow in the North-Eastern part of the industrial area flows downhill into the North, into the river Saale (LAGB 2007: 116). The Blue lines indicate the height of the leading groundwater flow.

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Figure 12: Groundwater flows in the Schkopau area (2021). © Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt. Colored arrows by the authors.

These different flows hugely complicate the containment of the toxic waste that has become part of this water body. The flows create a large area of containment spreading out in practically all directions. The current site of heavily contaminated water is estimated to be 9.11 km2 and, fortunately, hasn’t been growing recently, according to reports from the Regional Hydrological Service (Gewässerkundlicher Landesdienst 2012: 142). The Federal Institute for Exemption from Contaminated Sites (Landesanstalt für Altlastenfreistellung) oversees the containment of these toxic flows. Firstly, an enormous amount of 600.000 t of contaminated building rubble and soil has been removed to stop the input of toxic waste into the ground and the water bodies. It is now mainly stored at the nearby landfill site Hochhalde Schkopau where it has been wrapped in general waste (Deponieersatzbaustoffe) to minimise further leakages (MDSE 2021b). Secondly, wells that have been constructed in the epicentre of the contamination continuously pump up contaminated water, which is filtered and then flows into the river Saale. This process represented the core activity for groundwater remediation (Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen 2007: 116). It was shut down in 2019 as it was no longer deemed necessary by the Federal Institute for Exemption from Contaminated Sites (Landesamt für Altlastenfreistellung 2020: 13). Still, after all these measures, large amounts of toxic chemicals remain in the water body, and they can’t be easily extracted. The state offices are stressing the complexity of the flows that poses severe problems to any predictions where they might surface again (Landesamt für Altlastenfreistellung 2020: 13). As a third measure, additional wells have been constructed in areas known to harbour contaminated underground flows to prevent the spreading of toxic waste. These are called Randriegelbrunnen (roughly “edge containment wells”) and function as shields for the water bodies and living beings behind them. They are used to extract and filter underground water, which is afterwards pumped into the river Saale.

These efforts to control the movement of groundwater bodies and their contents have been part of a long history of similar practices in Saxony-Anhalt since at least 1785. They were first devised to enable coal-mining operations. There had been a lot of small-scale mining in different areas of the federal state. But 1785 marked when the first industrial-scale removal of groundwater with steam engines was established. It was necessary to prevent water from entering the deeper mining shafts that crossed groundwater. As the number of mining operations and their size grew, groundwater levels were changed significantly over periods of hundreds of years up to the point where the new, artificially produced levels were perceived as normal and “natural” by the population, which then settled on previously uninhabitable wetlands (Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen 2007: 65). This change of mind proved problematic when mining operations in certain areas ended and water levels rose again. Lawsuits about the liability of the subsequent damages often could not be settled because it was impossible to reconstruct the pre-mining “natural” water levels (ibid: 66). In the case of the former lignite mining site, Goitzsche near Bitterfeld-Wolfen, wells for the permanent reduction of water levels were installed to enable the continuation of habitation in areas now under the groundwater level (ibid: 66).

Additionally, certain geographical features of Saxony-Anhalt require groundwater transport over long distances. The Harz mountainous region absorbs most of the rainfall in the federal state, leaving the central areas with very little influx to their groundwater bodies. Most cities receive water via long overland water pipelines from the Harz to prevent the overuse of local groundwater. Other influences on groundwater flow in Saxony-Anhalt are the construction of wells and channels, the changing of the direction of rivers, the erection of new geographical features like landfill sites, the subsequent input of chemicals, also through large-scale farming, withdrawal and filtration of water for human consumption, the sealing of areas through stone, concrete and roads and finally changing patterns of rainfall caused by global warming. Thus, far from flowing “naturally” in line with geographical circumstances, underground flows in Saxony-Anhalt have been mediated by humans for a long time with intent, but not always with the result of benefiting human society. This human control of the water bodies is meant to provide fresh water and prevent water from intruding into areas where it would cause harm by flooding, drought or toxicity. Still, the safety promised by the edge containment wells around Schkopau promise is fragile. The general quality of groundwater and surface water bodies like rivers and lakes is considered to be very poor across the board. The map (Figure 14) indicates the quality of water bodies in the area, colour-coded in green for good quality and red for poor quality.

At the beginning of 2020, the Federal Institute for Exemption from Contaminated Sites published the alarming results of a recent test that showed concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs) in the groundwater body way above the levels considered safe for human consumption under the nearby village of Korbetha. However, the Federal Institute promised that this was merely a routine check and living in the town was safe if no water from local wells was consumed (Bertram 2020).

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© Fritz Kühlein/OpenStreetMap (2021)


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Figure 13: LAF 2020: 13 © Harbauer GmbH
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Figure 14: Quality of water bodies in the Schkopau area (2021). © Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt.
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Chart 1: Gewässerkundlicher Landesdienst 2012: 138
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Chart 2: Gewässerkundlicher Landesdienst 2012: 144
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Chart 3: Gewässerkundlicher Landesdienst 2012: 143

As the Federal Institute for Exemption from Contaminated Sites cannot predict the flow of the contaminants in the groundwater body, it can merely react to measurements taken on-site by building more edge containment wells. It is questionable if the agency’s work can be a temporally restricted activity as proclaimed by the State Office itself and other agencies. In its 2002 publication, the Federal Institute for Exemption from Contaminated Sites (Landesamt für Altlastenfreistellung 2002: 10) predicted its remediation efforts in the Schkopau area to last until 2050. In a publication from the “State office for Geology and Mining”, the process is described as a “repair “, implying the eventual return to a stable and functional state. Considering that 30 years after the beginning of the remediation efforts, the underground flows continue to pour out toxic waste in new places, surprisingly, even this long timeframe seems quite unlikely. This framing of the problem of toxic waste as being “cleaned up “and environmental damage to be “repaired” still appears to be present in these agencies. In 2001, the Federal Institute for Exemption from Contaminated Sites received a fixed sum (LAF 2002) from the German Federal Government to finance the clean-up of contaminated sites in Saxony-Anhalt. But a fixed sum can’t fund efforts that have to last for an indefinite time. In this light, government officials are looking for new ways to finance the ongoing remediation efforts. In his 2021 op-ed, „Is it already too late for the remediation of contaminated sites”, Jürgen Stadelmann, managing director of the Federal Institute for Exemption from Contaminated Sites, proposes to finance the work of his agency with funds for the reduction of area consumption in Germany. This proposal might indicate a shift in thinking about toxicity management as a project spanning much more significant time frames than initially assumed. As we emerge from this dive into the groundwater body beneath Schkopau, we realised that the most critical insight may not be just how much pollution is still present in the toxic flows. Even if we decided to dismantle the chemical industry at Schkopau sometime in the future, the underground network of pipes, the edge containment wells and the measurements would have to be operated for centuries.