Toxic Tour Stop 6: Dow’s self-presentation and the residents of Schkopau back to tour overview ↑← back to last stop
Toxic Tour Stop 5: The toxic heritage of Buna in the groundwater of southern Halle and its contemporary traces back to tour overview ↑← back to last stop
Toxic Tour Stop 4: On the injustice of the legal framework of remediation and ongoing contamination back to tour overview ↑← back to last stop
Toxic Tour Stop 3: The management of toxic groundwater bodies in the Anthropocene back to tour overview ↑← back to last stop
Toxic Tour Stop 2: Toxicity at Buna during the GDR - an encounter with witnesses to history back to tour overview ↑← back to last stop
Toxic Tour Stop 1: From past to present – historical outline of the chemical site Schkopau back to tour overview ↑
尋找一個叫做家的地方 janey7875 Annotation of Fieldnote_Apr 12 2023 _ Naluwan_Sherily In response to How should this text be cited? What is notable about the place or time of its publication? What related texts have been published in the same journal, book or book series? 我訪問到的阿嬤也有在高度人力密集的產業中工作過,如餐飲、紡織等等,反映了當代大環境中原民來到都市的處境。都市原民作為台灣產業發展的推手之一,卻無法擁有安身立命的家,而被迫在各處流浪,直到近代才開啟了與政府溝通的橋樑,卻依然有種種難題需要克服。
How should this text be cited? What is notable about the place or time of its publication? What related texts have been published in the same journal, book or book series?
A series of visualizations of the concept of "fast disasters."