Toxic Tour Stop 6: Dow’s self-presentation and the residents of Schkopau back to tour overview ↑← back to last stop
Toxic Tour Stop 5: The toxic heritage of Buna in the groundwater of southern Halle and its contemporary traces back to tour overview ↑← back to last stop
Toxic Tour Stop 4: On the injustice of the legal framework of remediation and ongoing contamination back to tour overview ↑← back to last stop
Toxic Tour Stop 3: The management of toxic groundwater bodies in the Anthropocene back to tour overview ↑← back to last stop
Toxic Tour Stop 2: Toxicity at Buna during the GDR - an encounter with witnesses to history back to tour overview ↑← back to last stop
Toxic Tour Stop 1: From past to present – historical outline of the chemical site Schkopau back to tour overview ↑
Lead Pollution Data and Advocacy Resources (Santa Ana, California) A collection of lead pollution data and advocacy resources for Santa Ana, California.
Photo essay to introduce viewers to Bondo sub-county in Kenya